Over the past 13 years, the Sanctuary Women's Development Center has led women and children to safety. However, the time has come to rebuild.
Careful consideration was made to determine whether it was best to continue in the current facility and proceed with the many repairs needed, or to rebuild in ways that would not only expand services of Sanctuary but also make the environment more conducive to women who are experiencing trauma. Research suggests that when trauma is treated with support services, healing and long-term recovering is possible.
A feasibility study by Greater Mission concluded the capital campaign would be an obtainable and sufficient means to continue providing a place of safety, shelter and support for our clients. The Catholic Charities Board of Directors voted unanimously to proceed with the campaign.
Funding from the Sanctuary capital campaign will expand non-residential services for women and children. This new center will also be designed as a proper safe haven for women escaping domestic situations. Additional space will provide more showers and restrooms, a larger laundry facility, a dedicated area for children, private counseling offices, and a room designed to host classes.
To learn more and to stay up-to-date on our capital campaign progress, please visit